Monday, May 7, 2012

15 Hour Flight Part 1

I woke up at 5:45… bright and early. After showering in the Towers communal bathrooms (never want to do that again), we took a quick trip to Dunkin Donuts for some liquid energy. We traveled as a group to the bus stop and got on the 28X. We soon arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport! Everything went smooth through security and we were soon waiting outside of our gate. We encountered no problems as we boarded the plane. However, on the plane, one of the travelers (a foreign man who spoke little English) was causing some problems. First, he refused to put his large carry-on bag in the overhead compartment. After finally forcing him to store the bag, he promptly took out his phone and held a loud conversation with someone. The captain had already instructed that all electronics be shut off for the remained of the flight. The flight attendant quickly told him that he had to shut his phone off. He acquiesced and it seemed like everything would go well. But then he decided he needed to continue this important conversation. So, he once again whipped out his phone, turned it on, and continued his loud conversation. This time three flight attendants had to ask him then force him to turn his phone off. He played dumb until they threatened to remove him from the flight. Once he agreed, the rest of the flight went smooth. We landed in Chicago and walked to our next gate for a quick 2 hour wait. The group grabbed food and refueled in preparation for the upcoming 16 hour flight. After waiting 2 hours, it was boarding time. We were taking a 747… the biggest airplane I’ve ever flown on. It is huge! There are two stories and a water slide (not really LOL but some people fell for that). We settled down and prepared ourselves for a long flight. On one of our many walking breaks, we met and talked to an Asian man (maybe Vietnamese not really sure) who was also traveling to Ho Chi Minh City. He informed us of some of the smaller things about the city and the country that we had not yet heard. Like the 5 cent pork sandwiches and the ziploc bag cups. And that is where I am now… 8 hours in, about halfway done! Time for some reading and sleeping now. I will continue this later.
My view for the next 15 hours......

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